Picture of Arato
Registered 3 years 292 days
Arato Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 09:08 AM
Falsche Nummernanzeige bei +49
Hallo zusammen,

ich habe gerade festgestellt, dass bei unserer Anlage scheinbar ein Routing o.ä. fehlt, wenn man extern anruft und statt 00 die internationale Vorwahl +49 nutzt. Dann wird nämlich statt der Durchwahl des Nutzers nur die Hauptnummer beim Angerufenen angezeigt.

Beispiel: Unsere Hauptnummer ist sagen wir mal 02941 12345 - 0 und die Durchwahl Nummern 02941 12345 - 10 bis 02941 12345 - 99

Wählt jetzt jemand mit der Durchwahl 20 z.B. die Nummer 00 171 1234567 wird beim Angerufenen korrekterweise 02941 12345 - 20 angezeigt.
Wird bei der Eingabe aber stattdessen die internationale Vorwahl verwendet, also +49 171 1234567, wird beim Angerufenen nicht die Durchwahl 02941 12345 - 20, sondern die Hauptnummer, also 02941 12345 - 0, angezeigt.

Wahrscheinlich fehlt einfach nur ein Routing o.ä.?


Picture of Roland
Registered 12 years 357 days
Roland Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 09:47 AM
Re: Falsche Nummernanzeige bei +49
das gesamte Mapping sieht seltsam aus. Wie / auf welcher Basis habt ihr dieses erstellt?
Wenn Du uns einen syslog mit Gateway-calls und Gateway-Routing zukommen lässt wäre das klasse.
Gruß Roland
Picture of Arato
Registered 3 years 292 days
Arato Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 10:06 AM
Re: Falsche Nummernanzeige bei +49
Hallo Roland,

das wurde damals bei der Einrichtung vom Dienstleister erstellt. Da soweit alles funktioniert, habe ich daran nie etwas geändert.

Hier der Syslog wenn man +49 wählt:

20220426-095346 CALL 0 Alloc
20220426-095346 CALL 0 A:Call -> / RS1::->*::
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 INTERFACE MAP if=RS1:'Voiceforce.one' CGPN-In 91->91, CDPN-In 0049171xxxxx94->0049171xxxxx94, DGPN-In ->
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL ROUTE route=RT2
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 APPLY CDPN-MAP in='0049171xxxxx94'->out='0049171xxxxx94'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 SUCCESS route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 INTERFACE MAP if=TONE CGPN-Out 91->91, CDPN-Out 0049171xxxxx94->0049171xxxxx94, DGPN-Out ->
20220426-095346 CALL 0 B:Call 91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0049171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->TONE:0049171xxxxx94:
20220426-095346 CALL 0 B:Rel 91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0049171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->TONE:0049171xxxxx94: Cause: Resources unavailable, unspecified
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL ROUTE route=RT2
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out='' reason='retry>0' found=false
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='000'->out='000'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='00'->out='00049'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='0'->out='000492941'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in=''->out='0002941xxxxx'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP SUCCESS in=''->out='0002941xxxxx'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 APPLY CGPN-MAP in='91'->out='0002941xxxxx91'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00' reason='processed MAP interface'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=0002941xxxxx91 verify=false in='000'->out='00'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP SUCCESS in='000'->out='00'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 APPLY CGPN-MAP in='0002941xxxxx91'->out='002941xxxxx91'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out='' reason='processed MAP interface'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 ENBLOCK route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out='' cdpn=0049171xxxxx94
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 APPLY CDPN-MAP in='0049171xxxxx94'->out='0049171xxxxx94'
20220426-095346 ROUTE 0 STOP(true) route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out='' reason='incomplete'
20220426-095346 CALL 0 Incomplete-1002941xxxxx91->0049171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->SIP1:0049171xxxxx94:
20220426-095350 CALL 0 A:Overlap-Timeout002941xxxxx91->0049171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->SIP1:0049171xxxxx94:
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL ROUTE route=RT2
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out='' reason='retry>0' found=false
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='000'->out='000'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='00'->out='00049'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='0'->out='000492941'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in=''->out='0002941xxxxx'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP SUCCESS in=''->out='0002941xxxxx'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 APPLY CGPN-MAP in='91'->out='0002941xxxxx91'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00' reason='processed MAP interface'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out=''
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out=''
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=0002941xxxxx91 verify=false in='000'->out='00'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL CGPN-MAP SUCCESS in='000'->out='00'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 APPLY CGPN-MAP in='0002941xxxxx91'->out='002941xxxxx91'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out='' reason='processed MAP interface'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 APPLY CDPN-MAP in='0049171xxxxx94'->out='0049171xxxxx94'
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 SUCCESS route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-095350 ROUTE 0 INTERFACE MAP if=SIP1:'Voiceforce.one' CGPN-Out 002941xxxxx91->I2941xxxxx91, CDPN-Out 0049171xxxxx94->I49171xxxxx94, DGPN-Out ->I492941xxxxx
20220426-095350 CALL 0 B:Call 002941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0049171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->SIP1:0049171xxxxx94:
20220426-095356 CALL 0 Media 002941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0049171xxxxx94 G711A,20(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) RS1:91:->SIP1:0049171xxxxx94:
20220426-095356 CALL 0 B:Proceed 002941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0049171xxxxx94 G711A,20(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) RS1:91:->SIP1:0049171xxxxx94:
20220426-095403 CALL 0 A:Rel 002941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0049171xxxxx94 G711A,20sx(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) RS1:91:->SIP1:0049171xxxxx94: Cause: Normal call clearing
20220426-095403 CALL 0 B:Rel 002941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0049171xxxxx94 G711A,20sx(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) RS1:91:->SIP1:0049171xxxxx94: Cause: Normal call clearing
20220426-095403 CALL 0 Free

Hier der Syslog wenn man 00 wählt:

20220426-100041 CALL 3 Alloc
20220426-100041 CALL 3 A:Call -> / RS1::->*::
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 INTERFACE MAP if=RS1:'Voiceforce.one' CGPN-In 91->91, CDPN-In 0171xxxxx94->0171xxxxx94, DGPN-In ->
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL ROUTE route=RT2
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 APPLY CDPN-MAP in='0171xxxxx94'->out='0171xxxxx94'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 SUCCESS route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 INTERFACE MAP if=TONE CGPN-Out 91->91, CDPN-Out 0171xxxxx94->0171xxxxx94, DGPN-Out ->
20220426-100041 CALL 3 B:Call 91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->TONE:0171xxxxx94:
20220426-100041 CALL 3 B:Rel 91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->TONE:0171xxxxx94: Cause: Resources unavailable, unspecified
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL ROUTE route=RT2
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out='' reason='retry>0' found=false
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 SKIP MAP(CDPN-MATCH NOT OK) route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='000'->out='00'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='00'->out='0'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='0'->out='02941'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in=''->out='02941xxxxx'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP SUCCESS in=''->out='02941xxxxx'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 APPLY CGPN-MAP in='91'->out='02941xxxxx91'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out='' reason='processed MAP interface'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 ENBLOCK route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out='' cdpn=0171xxxxx94
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 APPLY CDPN-MAP in='0171xxxxx94'->out='0171xxxxx94'
20220426-100041 ROUTE 3 STOP(true) route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out='' reason='incomplete'
20220426-100041 CALL 3 Incomplete-102941xxxxx91->0171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->SIP1:0171xxxxx94:
20220426-100045 CALL 3 A:Overlap-Timeout02941xxxxx91->0171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->SIP1:0171xxxxx94:
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL ROUTE route=RT2
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out=''
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=1 dest='TONE' in=''->out='' reason='retry>0' found=false
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 SKIP MAP(CDPN-MATCH NOT OK) route=RT2 map=2 dest='MAP' in='00'->out='00'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out=''
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out=''
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='000'->out='00'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='00'->out='0'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in='0'->out='02941'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP cgpn=91 verify=false in=''->out='02941xxxxx'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL CGPN-MAP SUCCESS in=''->out='02941xxxxx'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 APPLY CGPN-MAP in='91'->out='02941xxxxx91'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 CONTINUE TO NEXT MAP route=RT2 map=3 dest='MAP' in=''->out='' reason='processed MAP interface'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 EVAL MAP route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 MAP(CDPN-MATCH OK) route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 APPLY CDPN-MAP in='0171xxxxx94'->out='0171xxxxx94'
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 SUCCESS route=RT2 map=4 dest='SIP1' in=''->out=''
20220426-100045 ROUTE 3 INTERFACE MAP if=SIP1:'Voiceforce.one' CGPN-Out 02941xxxxx91->I492941xxxxx91, CDPN-Out 0171xxxxx94->I49171xxxxx94, DGPN-Out ->I492941xxxxx
20220426-100045 CALL 3 B:Call 02941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0171xxxxx94 / RS1:91:->SIP1:0171xxxxx94:
20220426-100052 CALL 3 Media 02941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0171xxxxx94 G711A,20(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) RS1:91:->SIP1:0171xxxxx94:
20220426-100052 CALL 3 B:Proceed 02941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0171xxxxx94 G711A,20(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) RS1:91:->SIP1:0171xxxxx94:
20220426-100058 CALL 3 A:Rel 02941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0171xxxxx94 G711A,20sx(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) RS1:91:->SIP1:0171xxxxx94: Cause: Normal call clearing
20220426-100058 CALL 3 B:Rel 02941xxxxx91:Elias@xxxxx.de->0171xxxxx94 G711A,20sx(0,0,0)/G711A,20(0,0,0) RS1:91:->SIP1:0171xxxxx94: Cause: Normal call clearing
20220426-100058 CALL 3 Free

Hier noch der Screen des Mappings

Picture of Roland
Registered 12 years 357 days
Roland Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 10:50 AM
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: Falsche Nummernanzeige bei +49
im syslog sieht man:

CGPN-Out 002941xxxxx91->I2941xxxxx91,

Das heißt du schickst im International-flag die 2941xxx raus. Im Gut-Fall sieht der Eintag so aus:

CGPN-Out 02941xxxxx91->I492941xxxxx91

Im Screenshot deines Mappings hast du bei Wahl der 00 eine cgpn Map mit -> 0002941xxx. Der letzte Eintrag in der ersten MAP.
Die passt meines Erachtens nicht. Setze dort mal testweise
-> 000492941

Gruß Roland
Picture of Arato
Registered 3 years 292 days
Arato Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 11:16 AM
Re: Falsche Nummernanzeige bei +49
Super, das scheint es tatsächlich gewesen zu sein. Danke!
Picture of Roland
Registered 12 years 357 days
Roland Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 11:37 AM
Re: Falsche Nummernanzeige bei +49
Gerne. Danke für die Rückmeldung.
Da das mapping etwas seltsam ist bitte auch andere Varianten genau testen/beobachten.
Gruß Roland
Picture of Muschelpuster
Registered 7 years 354 days
Muschelpuster Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 08:09 AM
Re: Falsche Nummernanzeige bei +49
Also wenn man in den Routen die CGPN-Manipulation deaktiviert, dann dann kann man das auf dem Trunk auch so machen:

ergänzende Grüße
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