Picture of Tobias 3377
Registered 7 years 251 days
Tobias 3377 Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 01:58 PM
Badge Count bei Voicemail App
Wir haben hier bei einem Kunden das Problem das der Badge Count der Voicemail APP nicht angezeigt wird..

die Messages sind allerdings in der App vorhanden auch ein MWI auf den IP Phones geht
nur der Badge fehlt?

Jemand eine Idee?
Picture of Tobias 3377
Registered 7 years 251 days
Tobias 3377 Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 03:10 PM
Re: Badge Count bei Voicemail App
Irgendwie sendet die PBX den Badgecount nicht an den Browser!

send to pbx: {"mt":"SubscribePresence","sip":"Voicemail_*2"}

recv from pbx: {"mt":"UpdatePresence","sip":"Voicemail_*2","up":true,"ep":{"num":"*2"},"presence":[]}

recv from pbx: {"mt":"UpdatePresence","sip":"Voicemail_*2","up":true,"ep":{"num":"*2"},"presence":[{"contact":"app:","activity":"","status":"open"}]}

hier eine funktionierende Installation:

send to pbx: {"mt":"SubscribePresence","sip":"Voicemail_second"}

recv from pbx: {"mt":"UpdatePresence","sip":"Voicemail_second","up":true,"ep":{"num":"**1"},"presence":[]}

recv from pbx: {"mt":"UpdatePresence","sip":"Voicemail_second","up":true,"ep":{"num":"**1"},"presence":[{"contact":"app:","activity":"","note":"#badge:7","status":"open"}]}

Picture of Elias Lievens (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 3 years 276 days
Elias Lievens (innovaphone) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 06:34 PM
Re: Badge Count bei Voicemail App
Hello Tobias,

Sorry to type in English...
Can you try to change the Name/SIP-Field of the voicemail-object from 'voicemail_*2' into 'voicemail_star2' or 'voicemail_2' and try again?

Picture of Tobias 3377
Registered 7 years 251 days
Tobias 3377 Wednesday, 8 June 2022, 11:36 AM
Re: Badge Count bei Voicemail App
Hello Elias,

the name seems not the Problem..
I rename in my Labor the Voicemail to 'voicemail_*2' and there are still Badges shown.

I made also a Ticket on Support Way

Picture of Tobias 3377
Registered 7 years 251 days
Tobias 3377 Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 11:47 AM
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: Badge Count bei Voicemail App
a new VM Instance for every VM Object solved the Problem
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