Picture of Richard 3284
Registered 7 years 229 days
Richard 3284 Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 11:42 AM
Phone/Softphone/Switchboard: Searching also for Waiting Queues and Number Maps

Currently you can only search for phonenumbers in the contacts or users. But I would also like to search for Number Maps and Waiting Queues. Of course only when the hide ldap checkbox is not checked.

Picture of Kamil 5475
Registered 3 years 121 days
Kamil 5475 Monday, 12 June 2023, 03:29 PM
Re: Phone/Softphone/Switchboard: Searching also for Waiting Queues and Number Maps
Hi Richard,

just recently I had the same problem which, for now, I solved in the following way:

- deleted the number from the WQ
- created a dummy-user with the previously deleted number
- set a CFU from dummy-user to name of WQ

Since the dummy-user is found by the Switchboard-App a CF is possible.
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