Picture of Danny 2274
Registered 9 years 104 days
Danny 2274 Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 11:30 AM
Softphone: Add configuration option for the used codec
This suggestion refers to the codec used within the WebRTC implementation within the myApps Softphone App.
Currently the app always uses OPUS as default coder and supports further codecs like G711a/G711u/G722 etc.
But there is no option to configure the offered codecs like on the phones or in SIP-Interfaces (local coder and general coder preference).

The missing configuration option leads to issues in scenarios where the myApps Softphone is used with a 3rd-Party application like an ACD or external SIP Server which do not offer or support the OPUS codecs.
If the myApps Softphone is connected using a Gateway object within the pbx, incoming calls are declined with a "NoCoderSDP"-error in the myApps console.

Adding a configuration option for the local and general coder preference within the Softphone App would remedy this issue and elimate the necessity to connected 3rd Party systems only via the relay with PBX and GW interfaces.

Best Regards

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