Picture of Peter 627
Registered 13 years 66 days
Peter 627 Tuesday, 24 January 2023, 08:08 AM
Reporting: Add possabilities from V10 Reporting

it would be nice to have all the features of the old Reporting in the V13/V14 Reporting App.

- Anonymous Reports
- Auto generated Reports via Email
- Hide Last X Digits
- Maybe the needs to be extended with a Reporting Admin App to assign user right based on PBX Users.

Also a nice feature would be:
- Drawing Charts (because all Data is available to do this)

Best Regards


Moderator Registered 12 years 3 days
Claudio Andrade (innovaphone) Monday, 23 October 2023, 10:44 AM
Re: Reporting: Add possabilities from V10 Reporting
Hello Peter,

Just to inform that v14r1 the new Reporting APP version includes filter search like in v10 Reporting.

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