Picture of Yannick 1102
Registered 11 years 133 days
Yannick 1102 Wednesday, 1 March 2023, 04:43 PM
myApps: Preconfiguration Focus App

the topic has already been discussed in the beta forum, unfortunately I couldn't find it here.
It's about the opportunity to preconfigure the focus app in the user object of the pbx.
(link beta forum: https://class.innovaphone.com/moodle2/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=28074#p80396)

Best regards
Picture of Bernhard 1993
Registered 9 years 293 days
Bernhard 1993 Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 10:01 AM
Re: myApps: Preconfiguration Focus App
Would be very important in bigger installations with standard Environments (RDS or VDI)..

Picture of Bernhard 1993
Registered 9 years 293 days
Bernhard 1993 Monday, 3 April 2023, 09:33 AM
Re: myApps: Preconfiguration Focus App
I have written many posts in the r3 beta forum.

The focus and pinned apps are nice.
But only usable in small installations.

In many bigger installations the user workplace is 100% preconfigured ( due to employee changes etc.. )

We need the possibility to predefine at least:

- Focus and Pinned Apps per MyApps type (windows, smartphone) based on config templates
- Default Phone App per MyApps type (windows, smartphone) based on config templates

I could imagine a setting like "use first phone app as focus/default" or "use first softphone app as focus/default" with a "force" option.

A solution via a global PBX Setting or regkeys on Windows could be a first step.


Picture of Axel 258
Registered 13 years 147 days
Axel 258 Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 09:23 AM
Re: myApps: Preconfiguration Focus App
Hier kann ich mich nur anschließen. Die gesamte Einstellung des Clients sollte über Templates vor eingestellt werden können.
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