Picture of Danny 2274
Registered 9 years 153 days
Danny 2274 Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 05:53 PM
myAPPs: Always adjust/normalize number inputs
Currently Numbers within myApps (more specific the dial pad from phone or softphone app) are only adjusted/normalized to a dialable number, if said number is entered via Hotkey as described in https://wiki.innovaphone.com/index.php?title=Reference13r3:Concept_myApps_platform_services#Hot_keys:

dial selected number
Initiates a call using the currently selected text as target.
A PrepareCall message with the text argument set to the selected text and the adjust argument set to true will be sent to the com.innovaphone.phone API.
However numers are not normalized when entered by any other means, e.g. copy and paste from a text document or email. If a number like 49.(0)271.7095.0 is entered via Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in the dial pad from phone or softphone app, it is dialed as is (containing all special characters)

Sugesstions: myApps should adjust every number to a dialable number regardless from where it is entered (Hotkey/Copy&Paste). This also includes manually dialed numbers containing special characters.

Best Regards

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