Picture of Thomas 4407
Registered 5 years 202 days
Thomas 4407 Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 11:17 AM
Other: Search for a function group

In our office, the question comes up again and again whether it is not possible to search for specialist services or whether these also appear with the participant being searched for.
At present, I assign a common group to users who are in a department, e.g. FD 32.3.3.
I imagine that this group can be marked as a function group.
With this marking of the group, it is also visible to each individual user and one can also search for the participants who are assigned to this group.

Especially for larger companies, branches and authorities, I can imagine that this would bring many advantages.
However, this function should also remain in the user interface of the PBX under groups, because there I can then also see the subscribers who are assigned to the specialist service.

Ordered greetings

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