Picture of Daniel 4850
Registered 4 years 244 days
Daniel 4850 Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 11:03 AM
myAPPs: MyApps Client - Simplified URL parameters

Hey there,

I would like to request a feature, that simplifies the configuration of the softphone redundancy.

Until 13r2, it was sufficient to only deploy a MyApps client with the (license-) Master as the URL. MyApps would redirect the user, after successful login, to it's PBX configured in the User-Object.

Since 13r3, in the registration address in MyApps, the physical location must be appended.

Otherwise, the Softphone functionality is not properly working.

So, instead of only using "master.pbx.com", it is now necessary for every slave PBX User, to use the address "master.pbx.com#phys=slave-pbx-berlin", "master.pbx.com#phys=slave-pbx-munich" etc..

I understand the idea behind it, as it offers the much-requested feature for redundancy.

But, in large scale deployments, with many slave-pbx's, it's more convenient to only use one prepared MyApps MSI installation client with one configured URL and then just redirect to the specific PBX.

With this, stuff like software deployment or user-helpdesk is more simplified. And the URL easier to remember smile

So, my suggestions would be:

1) Possibility to change the configured PBX-address, in the registry (just like in mypbx). So that for every location, where a slave is installed, a specific address for the client could be pushed by GPO (Alongside the usage for MSI options).

2) Possibility to define in the User-Object, the softphone primary/secondary configuration.

3) Possibility for a checkmark, which automatically appends the slave-PBX of the user, after the URL.
So, when using “master.pbx.com” and the configured pbx is “pbx-slave-berlin”, the URL automatically changes to “master.pbx.com#phys=pbx-slave-berlin”.

Either way, getting rid of the necessity to append the "#phys=slave-pbx" string, to the MyApps Client URL, would be a big helper.

Greetings, Daniel

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