Picture of Andreas 6548
Registered 1 year 281 days
Andreas 6548 Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 11:01 AM
RCC: Recording-Feature is not available „Softphone RCC“ App
hello ,

where is a list which Features are supported , we think it is useful to have the "Display recording state. Start / stop recording"
alos available in the RCC-App , for User who use the Citrix environment .







Call control: Hold, transfer, park, 3PTY conference, DTMF

Hide own number

Call Waiting

Additional conference control: Request to speak, list of participants

Acoustic "Blubb" when joining a conference

Media: Multi-Video, application sharing, non-persistent chat

Detach video

Display recording state. Start / stop recording

Call forwardings (display and configuration)

Start external application for call (automatic or manual)

Favorites (profile picture, dialog monitoring, start call, start chat, pickup, transfer)

Call history (profile picture, start call, start chat, transfer)

Search (profile picture, contact details, start call, start chat, transfer)

Reverse Lookup of Outlook Contacts


* starting with 13r3SR4

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