Picture of Benjamin
Registered 13 years 24 days
Benjamin Thursday, 21 December 2023, 04:03 PM
[Implemented] Voicemail: Allow for calling Mailbox / Voicemailbox aus der App anrufen
It would be great if you could call your own voicemail box directly from the voicemail app, for example using the standard app for telephony stored in the myApps-session. This would facilitate the use of voicemail at workplaces without an audio interface.

Es wäre prima, wenn man aus der Voicemail App direkt die eigene Voicemailbox anrufen könnte, beipspielweise unter Verwendung der in der Sitzung hinterlegten StandardApp für Telefonie. Das würde die Nutzung der Voicemail an Arbeitsplätzen ohne Audioschnittstelle erleichtern.

Picture of Elias Lievens (innovaphone)
Moderator Registered 3 years 210 days
Elias Lievens (innovaphone) Thursday, 21 December 2023, 04:14 PM
Re: [Implemented] Voicemail: Allow for calling Mailbox / Voicemailbox aus der App anrufen
Hello Mr Siegwald, Everyone,

Good news!
V14r1 Final introduces some new features for the Voicemail App and your feature suggestion is one of...

More information can be found in the Concept Article:

Feel free to test!

All new features are also listed in the 'Firmware Upgrade V13r3 -> V14r1'-article on our wiki:

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