Picture of Benjamin 5693
Registered 2 years 358 days
Benjamin 5693 Friday, 19 May 2023, 11:47 AM
Devices: Move and duplicate Routes and Maps

I think a great addition to the Advanced-UI would be to add the ability to Move and duplicate entire Routes and CGPN Maps the "Gateway > Routes" Menu.

This would make our life a lot easier when configuring PBXs with lots of Routes and save a ton of time, when reconfiguring a clients config.

Normally to move Routes you would have to create a new one in the position and delete the old one.

Same goes for CGPN Maps, but there it is even worse, because you can't select where to add them in the list. When you create a new one they always get added to the bottom of the list. So you have to delete every Map to the point where you want to insert it and recreate the deleted ones.

This is especially a hassle when using lots of Wildcards.

I think a system similar to the Function Key sorting Method on Phones would be geat. With just small arrows before each Route/Map.

Also a button to duplicate Routes or specific Maps by selecting them with a Checkbox maybe would be greatly helpfull.

Maybe also a description Field for indivdual Maps would be geat.
Because if you have lots of Maps on one Route for different purposes it would increase visibility. Currently, we have only one description for the whole Route.

I thing these Changes would massively decrease clutter in the config and make it easier to organize and clean up messy setups after lots of made modifications over the years.
It would also save time configuring new Routes.

~ Benjamin
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