Picture of Fran 4403
Registered 5 years 208 days
Fran 4403 Thursday, 25 May 2023, 09:07 AM
Edit a user's contacts
Currently you cannot edit a user's contacts from the Contacts Admin application, only see how many they have and modify permissions.

I think it would be good if contacts from any user could be deleted or corrected.

Thank you.
Picture of Karl 2252
Registered 9 years 127 days
Karl 2252 Thursday, 25 May 2023, 02:20 PM
Re: Edit a user's contacts

As administrator you can give yourself access to a personal directory from any employee and give you admin rights to this persona directory.
Once done, you have access to these personal contacts, you can edit and delete these contacts.
The only minor issue is, that you don't have a list of these created personal contacts. But once found you can make the changes.

Picture of Fran 4403
Registered 5 years 208 days
Fran 4403 Thursday, 25 May 2023, 03:31 PM
Re: Edit a user's contacts
Thank you very much for the information
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