Picture of Danny 2274
Registered 9 years 104 days
Danny 2274 Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 02:43 PM
myApps: Make blocking period after wrong password configurable
Currently (as of V13r3 latest) there is no way for an administrator to configure the blocking period of the myApps signing Page (Web, App or Launcher). Whenever a user enters a wrong password repeatedly, the block duration simple doubles.

The already existing security block timer configurable at config -> general -> Security -> Block time (s) does not affected the login within the myApps Web UI.

This suggestion aims to remedy this shortcoming by either (1) making the security block time from pbx -> config -> general also apply to the myApps web UI or (2) making the block period configurable as an own setting under pbx -> myApps.

Best Regards


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