Picture of Fernando 6324
Registered 2 years 107 days
Fernando 6324 Thursday, 22 June 2023, 03:11 PM
PBXManager: Waiting Queue ringing strategy

There is the possibility of configuring a call queue with 10 agents and that the call goes ONE BY ONE every 10 seconds.

Right now with the Time Round Robin configuration it is not possible since the call enters an agent and then it would jump simultaneously to all the agents of the configured group.

You would need the configuration described above at all and at the same time that it is compatible with a dashboard such as iQM Server.

Is there any way to do it?

Thank you!
Picture of Hilari 3838
Registered 6 years 243 days
Hilari 3838 Friday, 23 June 2023, 09:52 AM
Re: PBXManager: Waiting Queue ringing strategy
Hello. What Fernando and major part of Spanish resellers wish is to have a circular group. We know there is a script: https://wiki.innovaphone.com/index.php?title=Howto:Simple_Linear_ACD_with_Voicemail_XML_Script

But the end customers which wants to use iQM can't use this solution.

Also we can obtain a similar behaviour chaining wq, but iQM is high limited in terms of wq monitoring.

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