Picture of Maurice 4820
Registered 4 years 284 days
Maurice 4820 Monday, 26 June 2023, 10:39 AM
myAPPs: Set presence "away" after x minutes
Hi everyone,

at the moment you can only change the myAPPs-Client configuration to set the presence status "offline" after 0, 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
Would be lovely to also have the option of setting "away", as it might be more fitting. Like that colleagues can see that im working, but at the moment just grabbing a cup of coffee and calling back in a few minutes.

Nico Finzel
Moderator Registered 9 years 241 days
Nico Finzel (innovaphone) Tuesday, 4 July 2023, 08:45 PM
Re: myAPPs: Set presence "away" after x minutes
Hi Maurice,

sounds to me, you can solve this with an existing partner app.

Presence Heartbeat by MediaRunway

Presence Heartbeat improve the clarity of the myApps presence state of your employees, in which the color and the text are automatically set with a preset when the Windows screen lock is activated and unlocked again, as well as when Windows logs on and logs off/ shutdown. This works on the local Windows PC as well as in a Windows Terminal session.
Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access.
For licensing and test licensing please contact myApps-sales@mediarunway.com


Best regards
Picture of Maurice 4820
Registered 4 years 284 days
Maurice 4820 Wednesday, 5 July 2023, 01:14 PM
Re: myAPPs: Set presence "away" after x minutes
Hi Nico,

as described by you, i would say that it surely is solvable with the presence heartbeat solution.
The only thing that is kind of problematic are the licenses needed for it. Im not saying in any way, that the functions of the App and the work that went into it are not worth the costs of a license, but we could say it is to powerfull for what I ask for.
Imho the normal function of "auto appear offline" often does not make sense and is simply turned off. Something like "auto appear away" would be way better in most cases if not all.
I do understand that just changing the option could be problematic with existing systems and thats why I ask for an option to either choose the status "offline" or "away" after X minutes.

Best Regards
Nico Finzel
Moderator Registered 9 years 241 days
Nico Finzel (innovaphone) Wednesday, 5 July 2023, 07:09 PM
Re: myAPPs: Set presence "away" after x minutes
Hi Maurice,

thank you for your feedback.
You can talk to Daniel Meurer about the price/features of the presence heartbeat solution.
Maybe you will find an attractive solution and just sell the solution without mentioning it explicitly.

Yes, the presence heartbeat solution can of course do more. But that is also the case with our solution in many cases. It could do much more, but only x% of it is used by the customer.

I don't expect that we will change this in our existing solution, because it is now used by many customers. And as you can see here in the forum, there are many wishes and too little time and resources to implement them.
In addition, there is already something with the presence heartbeat solution, which can solve this.
This is also what we want, features we do not release should come from app partners.

If there are some votes here, we will still take this into one of the upcoming strategy meetings.

Best regards
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