Picture of Muschelpuster
Registered 7 years 288 days
Muschelpuster Thursday, 7 September 2023, 10:38 AM
PBX: Random MOH
Some customers don't want to have the same MOH every time. Right now, generating a long MOH file and setting the URL parameter random=true is the only way to solve it. But in this case, the MOH does not start at the beginning of every track. And large MOH files are also not very nice wink
So it will be great to have the option to set only a folder at MOH URL and Waiting Queue announcement URLs to. The PBX should read a list of the available files and pick one for playing. The URL can look like this: http://<addr>/.$coder?coder=g711a,g711u,g722,g723,g729,opus-nb,opus-wb&randomfile=true
If this is too complex it will also be possible to host files with numbers, e.g. music1, music2 and music3 and to give this range and files URL settings, e.g.:

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