Picture of Danny 2274
Registered 9 years 158 days
Danny 2274 Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 10:09 AM
myApps - Force Client Layout
Currently, an end user can configure the myApps Client layout (e.g. aviable Apps, homescreen, favorites, groups etc.) at his own convience. The myApps layout configuration is then stored as myApps-Homescreen-string within the user object in the pbx. This value can be set by an administrator to a seed/starting value, which the user can change later.

While this is great in most cases, we have received some requests to "freeze" the layout administratively. This request was most often raised in terminal server enviroments and large centrally managed systems, where the whole desktop enviroment is predetermined.

The administrators of this kind of setups requested, that the user (1.) either cannot change the myApps UI layout (e.g. due to a write protection for the homescreen) or (2.) that the myApps discards any locally made changes within a client and loads the same starting configuration at each start of the application.

From the forum (e.g. https://class.innovaphone.com/moodle2/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=29228#p83642) it seems, that other partners have already had the same request, thus this suggestion.

Best Regards

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