Picture of Mustafa 6757
Registered 1 year 46 days
Mustafa 6757 Friday, 10 November 2023, 01:28 PM
Other:PBX User Object E-Mail
I have a small observation regarding the User/Voicemail PBX object.

The checkbox next to the name under the email is not clearly defined in its function in the UI. As it stands, the checkbox may give the impression of activating the email, which can be misleading.Adding to the confusion, the mouseover text reads 'Use this as address to send E-Mail to user. It's unclear what exactly is meant by this description.

The Wiki Article under: https://wiki.innovaphone.com/index.php?title=Reference12r2:PBX/Objects

states the following:

"Additional E-Mail addresses for the user. Multiple addresses are seperated by ';'. The 'Name' is used as E-Mail address as well together with the 'System Name' as domain. The E-Mail addresses are used to match users from other applications (e.g. Exchange, Fax Server) to PBX User Objects. The first E-Mail address is used as destination if E-Mails are to be sent to the User (e.g. received Fax). If the 'Name' shall be used as E-Mail destination, the checkmark besides the 'Name', which is duplicated to the E-Mail line should be set."

A clear explanation or label would enhance user-friendliness. Especially if you want to use an E-Mail to send Voicemails.

A proposed solution:

Separate the checkbox and the text field, and add a description:

Text field label: 'Primary Email. Additional emails separated by ';'

Checkbox: 'Use Object Name and System Name as Domain for E-Mail, e.g. johndoe@company.com'

Your input on these adjustments to the User/Voicemail PBX object would be invaluable.

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