Registered 10 years 54 days
Kevin 1414 Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 11:09 AM
Other: Reverse Look URL - Resolve on transfer doesn't work
The resolution of the contacts in myApps, which works with the reverse lookup URL, does not work when forwarding.
So then the connected user no contacts are resolved, not even in the call list!
With myPBX this still worked, so please follow as soon as possible, thank you!
Picture of Bernhard 1993
Registered 9 years 293 days
Bernhard 1993 Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 10:12 AM
2 of 2 users consider this post helpful
Re: Reverse Look URL - Resolve on transfer doesn't work
basic function..
Picture of Robin 3214
Registered 7 years 270 days
Robin 3214 Friday, 31 March 2023, 04:35 PM in response to Kevin 1414
Re: Reverse Look URL - Resolve on transfer doesn't work
I think this is a bug. Better forward this to the support. I also have a ticket open because of this.
Registered 10 years 54 days
Kevin 1414 Monday, 20 November 2023, 10:48 AM
Re: Reverse Look URL - Resolve on transfer doesn't work
Hallo Robin,

tja das war das Erste was ich gemacht habe aber das wird nicht als bug deklariert, obwohl es so aussieht zwinkernd
Für die Kunden und mich auch unverständlich, dass es am Telefon funktioniert (alter LDAP Mechanismus). Es sollten die Dinge zumindest wieder funktionieren, die vorher auch schon funktioniert haben.

I did discuss this issue also with the development previously on another case regarding reverse lookup on calls with consultation.
This scenario is currently not implemented.

I even asked if it will be added in the future, but currently Development has no plans for it.. but this might change if complaints become more frequent.
You can make also a suggestion in our forum so that also other partners can vote for it:

Sorry that I don't have better news.

Picture of Bernhard 1993
Registered 9 years 293 days
Bernhard 1993 Monday, 20 November 2023, 11:22 AM
Re: Reverse Look URL - Resolve on transfer doesn't work
Ich beobachte das Problem auch schon seit längerem, hatte es noch nicht gemeldet.
Dieses "Szenario" nicht zu implementieren kann nicht Ernst gemeint sein... Kommt vielfach im täglichen betrieb vor und verschlechtert den Komfort unnötig.

Werde nun auch ein Ticket erstellen.
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