Picture of Hilari 3838
Registered 6 years 243 days
Hilari 3838 Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 11:16 AM
myAPPs: Logo customized in myApps

We have some end customers and resellers who wish to insert their logo somewhere in myApps. For example in the background or in the login page. This customization feature is possible in the ip phones and in the old myPBX.

Picture of Danny 2274
Registered 9 years 104 days
Danny 2274 Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 10:40 AM
1 of 1 users consider this post helpful
Re: Logo customized in myApps
Hello Hilari,

there is already an highly upvoted thread with the same suggestion:

You can vote there, too.

If you wish for a complete white labeling of the myApps Client, there is also a feature request for that:

Best Regards

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