Nico Finzel
Moderator Registered 9 years 241 days
Nico Finzel (innovaphone) Wednesday, 5 July 2023, 07:09 PM in response to Maurice 4820
Re: myAPPs: Set presence "away" after x minutes
Hi Maurice,

thank you for your feedback.
You can talk to Daniel Meurer about the price/features of the presence heartbeat solution.
Maybe you will find an attractive solution and just sell the solution without mentioning it explicitly.

Yes, the presence heartbeat solution can of course do more. But that is also the case with our solution in many cases. It could do much more, but only x% of it is used by the customer.

I don't expect that we will change this in our existing solution, because it is now used by many customers. And as you can see here in the forum, there are many wishes and too little time and resources to implement them.
In addition, there is already something with the presence heartbeat solution, which can solve this.
This is also what we want, features we do not release should come from app partners.

If there are some votes here, we will still take this into one of the upcoming strategy meetings.

Best regards
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