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DiscussionStarted byRepliesLast post
Logging: HEP/HEE Tracing-Protokoll Integration Picture of Benjamin 5693 Benjamin 5693 (open, not assigned) 0 Benjamin 5693
Tue, 1 Aug 2023, 05:25 PM
myApps: Checkbox per User if myApps login via Reverseproxy is allowed Profilbild Tobias 847 (open, not assigned) 0 Tobias 847
Tue, 1 Aug 2023, 03:52 PM
Automatic Hangup Softphone Interne Gespräche Picture of Alexander 4452 Alexander 4452 (open, not assigned) 0 Alexander 4452
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 04:45 PM
myApps/PBX: Logging Client Version Picture of Muschelpuster Muschelpuster (open, not assigned) 2 Muschelpuster
Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 09:41 AM
Add QR code for two-factor authentication (2FA) Picture of Francois 4943 Francois 4943 (open, not assigned) 0 Francois 4943
Wed, 26 Jul 2023, 10:51 AM
AppPlatform: Ungesicherter Zugriff über Reverse Proxy Picture of Axel 258 Axel 258 (open, assigned) 5 Axel 258
Fri, 21 Jul 2023, 09:31 AM
iOS/Android Softphone: Change Audio during Call Picture of Tobias 1810 Tobias 1810 (open, not assigned) 0 Tobias 1810
Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 04:25 PM
Fax App: 1st page in transmission report Picture of Tobias 1810 Tobias 1810 (open, not assigned) 0 Tobias 1810
Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 04:21 PM
Yealink Picture of LLuis 6647 LLuis 6647 (open, not assigned) 0 LLuis 6647
Thu, 13 Jul 2023, 01:18 PM
myAPPs: Benachrichtigungen Picture of Dainel 6736 Dainel 6736 (open, not assigned) 0 Dainel 6736
Fri, 7 Jul 2023, 10:25 AM
Softphone Picture of Tom 895 Tom 895 (open, not assigned) 0 Tom 895
Fri, 7 Jul 2023, 10:14 AM
LDAPApi Search mit Control Attribut Picture of Jan 602 Jan 602 (open, not assigned) 0 Jan 602
Thu, 6 Jul 2023, 08:32 AM
myAPPs: Set presence "away" after x minutes Picture of Maurice 4820 Maurice 4820 3 Nico Finzel (innovaphone)
Wed, 5 Jul 2023, 07:09 PM
Phone/Softphone: Display information of current call in two lines Picture of Kamil 5475 Kamil 5475 (open, not assigned) 0 Kamil 5475
Wed, 5 Jul 2023, 04:25 PM
MS365-connector: Log analyze Jo-Jo Joachim 845 (open, not assigned) 0 Joachim 845
Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 11:46 AM
myApps iOS/Android: Set Busy if mobile calls Picture of Tobias 1810 Tobias 1810 (open, not assigned) 0 Tobias 1810
Fri, 30 Jun 2023, 08:06 PM
CallList: Filter Options for Number and Date Profilbild Tobias 847 (open, not assigned) 0 Tobias 847
Thu, 29 Jun 2023, 01:51 PM
Events: Link to remote URL Picture of Roland Roland (open, not assigned) 0 Roland
Mon, 26 Jun 2023, 08:07 AM
Devices: Change category to provisioning category Picture of Yannick 1102 Yannick 1102 (open, not assigned) 0 Yannick 1102
Fri, 23 Jun 2023, 12:55 PM
PBXManager: Waiting Queue ringing strategy Picture of Fernando 6324 Fernando 6324 (open, not assigned) 1 Hilari 3838
Fri, 23 Jun 2023, 09:52 AM
myApps: -closed- Fensterbreite myApps launcher Picture of Roland Roland (open, assigned) 2 1 Roland
Thu, 22 Jun 2023, 01:32 PM
myAPPs: lokal TAPI @ myApps-Client Picture of Melvin  2495 Melvin 2495 (open, not assigned) 0 Melvin 2495
Wed, 21 Jun 2023, 05:11 PM
Other: Neue telefone Picture of Paris 4299 Paris 4299 (open, not assigned) 8 11 Melvin 2495
Wed, 21 Jun 2023, 05:05 PM
Files: Backup in One Zip file Picture of David 3976 David 3976 1 Jérémie Bidal (innovaphone)
Tue, 20 Jun 2023, 10:15 AM
myApps: Optimierungen für Großinstallationen Picture of Roland Roland (open, not assigned) 4 Roland
Mon, 19 Jun 2023, 11:51 AM
Fax: Email File should have date Picture of Nilo Nilo (open, not assigned) 1 Nilo
Thu, 15 Jun 2023, 08:57 AM
Switchboard: Anzeige von Adressinformationen Picture of Axel 258 Axel 258 (open, not assigned) 0 Axel 258
Tue, 13 Jun 2023, 01:28 PM
Switchboard: Automatisches hinzufügen von Usern Picture of Axel 258 Axel 258 (open, not assigned) 0 Axel 258
Tue, 13 Jun 2023, 01:25 PM
Phone: CCNR, CCBS Rückruf Frei/Besetzt in der phone/softphone APP Picture of Roland Roland (open, not assigned) 0 Roland
Tue, 13 Jun 2023, 09:23 AM
Phone/Softphone/Switchboard: Searching also for Waiting Queues and Number Maps Picture of Richard 3284 Richard 3284 (open, not assigned) 1 Kamil 5475
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 03:29 PM
Devices: Event on idle reset pending Picture of Roland Roland (open, not assigned) 1 Muschelpuster
Wed, 7 Jun 2023, 07:32 AM
LDAP Replication for SIP, GK and routes Picture of Fran 4403 Fran 4403 (open, not assigned) 1 Muschelpuster
Wed, 7 Jun 2023, 07:22 AM
myApps: Make a logged in hotdesk user visible Picture of Richard 3284 Richard 3284 (open, not assigned) 0 Richard 3284
Mon, 5 Jun 2023, 02:03 PM
PBX manager, Waiting Queue plugin, alphabetical order, order by object number Picture of Chris 556 Chris 556 (open, not assigned) 2 Bernhard 1993
Thu, 1 Jun 2023, 09:33 PM
Feature Request: V13r3 Suchanfrage Softphone/phone app anpassen Picture of Tobias 6295 Tobias 6295 0 Tobias 6295
Thu, 1 Jun 2023, 08:02 AM
PBX: App-Auswahl im User Objekt Picture of Roland Roland (open, not assigned) 0 Roland
Wed, 31 May 2023, 04:58 PM
myApps: Make block period reset-able by an administrator Picture of Danny 2274 Danny 2274 (open, not assigned) 0 Danny 2274
Wed, 31 May 2023, 02:47 PM
myApps: Make blocking period after wrong password configurable Picture of Danny 2274 Danny 2274 (open, not assigned) 0 Danny 2274
Wed, 31 May 2023, 02:43 PM
myApps: Nachfolger iQM Picture of Roland Roland (open, not assigned) 0 Roland
Wed, 31 May 2023, 08:28 AM
Hardphone: Visuelle Unterscheidung der User-Profile Picture of Roland Roland (open, not assigned) 0 Roland
Wed, 31 May 2023, 08:21 AM
Profile: Doppelte Namen Picture of Roland Roland (open, not assigned) 0 Roland
Wed, 31 May 2023, 08:04 AM
FilesApp / timestamp Pcap file Picture of Chris 556 Chris 556 (open, not assigned) 0 Chris 556
Fri, 26 May 2023, 01:26 PM
Edit a user's contacts Picture of Fran 4403 Fran 4403 (open, not assigned) 2 Fran 4403
Thu, 25 May 2023, 03:31 PM
STT: Text To Speech functionality Picture of Antonio 904 Antonio 904 (open, not assigned) 0 Antonio 904
Wed, 24 May 2023, 03:01 PM
phone message after dial a dtmf feature Picture of Hilari 3838 Hilari 3838 (open, not assigned) 0 Hilari 3838
Wed, 24 May 2023, 01:25 PM
MS365-connector: Eintrag bei Nutzung myApps Connector for Microsoft 365 Torsten Torsten 3202 0 Torsten 3202
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:42 AM
myAPPs: Welcome email to the users Picture of Jean-Francois 1756 Jean-Francois 1756 0 Jean-Francois 1756
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:32 AM
Devices: Export Hardwarelist sort by Category Picture of Peter 627 Peter 627 0 Peter 627
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:31 AM
Other: PBX LDAP Replicator - Raise an alarm if an object already exists and skip this object Picture of Danny 2274 Danny 2274 0 Danny 2274
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:31 AM
Softphone: Add configuration option for the used codec Picture of Danny 2274 Danny 2274 0 Danny 2274
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:30 AM
Devices: Admintätigkeiten im Nutzerkontext loggen Picture of Peter 627 Peter 627 1 Peter 627
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:30 AM
UsersAdmin: Blocked users, due to password entry error Picture of Fran 4403 Fran 4403 0 Fran 4403
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:30 AM
Other: PBX syslog erweitern Picture of Roland Roland 1 Roland
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:29 AM
Other: Waiting queue / Logout no answer Picture of Roland Roland 0 Roland
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:29 AM
Switchboard: Feature request for Dialpad on Switchboard Picture of Richard 3284 Richard 3284 0 Richard 3284
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:28 AM
Phone/Softphone: Choice of favorite profile in phone and softphone app Picture of Richard 3284 Richard 3284 0 Richard 3284
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:28 AM
Other: Bootcode (MiniFirmware) Picture of Roland Roland 0 Roland
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:27 AM
Softphone: Conference in browser softphone Picture of José María 5346 José María 5346 0 José María 5346
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:27 AM
Softphone: Icon for state signaling Picture of Antonio 904 Antonio 904 0 Antonio 904
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:26 AM
myAPPs-Mobile: MyApps, softphone notification Picture of Antonio 904 Antonio 904 0 Antonio 904
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:25 AM
Contacts / ContactsAdmin: View rights for contacts Picture of Chris 556 Chris 556 0 Chris 556
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:25 AM
Contacts: Export back to Excel Picture of Chris 556 Chris 556 0 Chris 556
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:24 AM
Chat: interface Picture of Antonio 904 Antonio 904 0 Antonio 904
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:24 AM
Chat: .jpg vs. .JPG Picture of Daniel 450 Daniel 450 0 Daniel 450
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:23 AM
myAPPs-Mobile: Chat Link on iOS Picture of Daniel 450 Daniel 450 0 Daniel 450
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:22 AM
Chat: embedded photo show bigger Picture of Daniel 450 Daniel 450 0 Daniel 450
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:22 AM
Softphone: do not hide call controls Lars Corstiaans Lars 1167 0 Lars 1167
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:22 AM
Other: redirect einer Slave Picture of Roland Roland 0 Roland
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:21 AM
Other: Access to all contact fields for remote application call Picture of Uwe 172 Uwe 172 1 Uwe 172
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:20 AM
Softphone: Silent monitoring with softphone Picture of Uwe 3750 Uwe 3750 0 Uwe 3750
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:19 AM
Other: PBX XML Export - LDAP Filter Picture of Roland Roland 0 Roland
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:18 AM
Other: PBX-Objects Picture of Michael 4939 Michael 4939 0 Michael 4939
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:18 AM
myAPPS: myApps - Launcher Update only for external Registrations Picture of Peter 627 Peter 627 0 Peter 627
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:18 AM
Other: Zusammenführung Call List und Callverlauf Picture of Sebastian 240 Sebastian 240 1 Sebastian 240
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:17 AM
Other: Search for a function group Picture of Thomas 4407 Thomas 4407 0 Thomas 4407
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:17 AM
Other: Vertriebs und Checker App, Anpassung PBX GUI Picture of Sebastian 240 Sebastian 240 1 Sebastian 240
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:16 AM
myAPPs: Logo customized in myApps Picture of Hilari 3838 Hilari 3838 1 1 Hilari 3838
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:16 AM
Other: Support of RFC 3841 for trunk redundancy Picture of Muschelpuster Muschelpuster 4 Muschelpuster
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:12 AM
Other: no MOH at conference Picture of Muschelpuster Muschelpuster 0 Muschelpuster
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:11 AM
Other: App licences must be assignable Picture of Uwe 3750 Uwe 3750 1 Uwe 3750
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:10 AM
Other: PBX Volltext-Suche / Filter Picture of Roland Roland 0 Roland
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:08 AM
myAPPs: Automatisches Abmelden von allen Sitzungen Picture of Michael 4939 Michael 4939 0 Michael 4939
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:05 AM
myAPPs: MSI Options (Hide Apps) Picture of Peter 627 Peter 627 0 Peter 627
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:05 AM
myAPPs: MyApps Client - Simplified URL parameters Picture of Daniel 4850 Daniel 4850 0 Daniel 4850
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:03 AM
Calendar: Exchange sync Feld für Präsenz Frei einbauen Picture of Michael 4939 Michael 4939 0 Michael 4939
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:02 AM
myApps: Permission concept in myApps Picture of Uwe 3750 Uwe 3750 0 Uwe 3750
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:02 AM
RCC: Same app design for RCC app Picture of Robin 3214 Robin 3214 0 Robin 3214
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:01 AM
RCC: Recording-Feature is not available „Softphone RCC“ App Picture of Andreas 6548 Andreas 6548 0 Andreas 6548
Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:01 AM
myAPPs-Mobile: Integration für Android-Auto/Apple-Carplay + Apple Watch Picture of Maximilian 2662 Maximilian 2662 4 2 Maximilian 2662
Wed, 24 May 2023, 10:56 AM
myAPPs: see cfu form other users in favorites / in Favoriten sehen ob ein user eine Umleitung hat Picture of Michael 4939 Michael 4939 0 Michael 4939
Wed, 24 May 2023, 10:55 AM
Recording: circular ring files for "write pcap to url" Picture of Roland Roland 0 Roland
Wed, 24 May 2023, 10:54 AM
Devices: Anbindung von Fremdhersteller Konfigurationsoberflächen Picture of Martin 2704 Martin 2704 1 Martin 2704
Wed, 24 May 2023, 10:53 AM
myAPPS: Wartungsmitteilungen Picture of Roland Roland 0 Roland
Wed, 24 May 2023, 10:51 AM
Conference: Signalton beim betreten der Conference via Telefon Picture of Jens 1048 Jens 1048 (open, not assigned) 0 Jens 1048
Tue, 23 May 2023, 10:07 AM
UsersAdmin: Änderung von Usernamen sollte sich auf Favoriten vererben Picture of Axel 258 Axel 258 (open, not assigned) 0 Axel 258
Mon, 22 May 2023, 10:03 AM
Devices: Move and duplicate Routes and Maps Picture of Benjamin 5693 Benjamin 5693 (open, not assigned) 0 Benjamin 5693
Fri, 19 May 2023, 11:47 AM
myAPPs: Videostart Standard Anzeige oder mittig anzeigen Picture of Oliver  3128 Oliver 3128 (open, not assigned) 0 Oliver 3128
Wed, 17 May 2023, 08:47 AM
Chat: search tool in Chat Premium App Picture of Edgar 4724 Edgar 4724 (open, not assigned) 0 Edgar 4724
Tue, 16 May 2023, 01:43 PM
UsersAdmin: AD Replikation Picture of Axel 258 Axel 258 (open, not assigned) 0 Axel 258
Tue, 16 May 2023, 01:33 PM
Devices: selectable Release for update Picture of Muschelpuster Muschelpuster (open, not assigned) 1 6 Axel 258
Tue, 16 May 2023, 11:54 AM
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